Blueprint for Success Phase 1 Action Items

Review the following action items for Phase 1 of the Blueprint for Success. Make sure to complete all items before moving into the Launch phase. This will ensure your foundation is strong and your community space is optimized for success! 

Action Items:

1. Review Your Organization's Strategic Plan. If one does not yet exist, use the guiding questions from the Making a Plan section to draft a Strategic Plan.
2. Answer and document your answers about the planned use of each platform feature
3. Draft a Roadmap for your organization's first year using the community site

4. Make a list of all your potential stakeholders 
5. Review if any should be included in training with the 360Alumni team 
6. Schedule and plan a date alongside the community launch for when to engage stakeholders 

7. Complete and submit the New Client Setup Form 1

8. Review each of the possible profile fields and decide and document how you plan to utilize the associations, custom fields, and tags. 
9. Compile and prepare a list of options for each of the fields you decide to utilize. You will provide these to our Client Success Team and they will review how options are uploaded/edited.
10. Draft custom welcome messages 
11. Decide which homepage properties to be turned on or off
12. Review and decide which optional features your organization will be using
13. Review default notification and privacy settings 
14. Add any additional administrators 
15. Add any additional administrators to Emma and complete Emma set up information
16. Send our client success team: Any branding guidelines that your institution has established including logo and colors. Your brand design colors and/or preferred colors in HEX code. A rectangular community logo. A square community logo. A landing page logo image

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