Key Phrases to Increase Donations


March 22, 2014

Many hands together with a heart painted on them, implying generosity

A study from Georgia Tech gives some key insight into what makes fundraising campaigns successful by analyzing which phrases led to the most bountiful crowdfunding on the popular website Kickstarter. Take these tips to make your university fundraising more successful!

The most lucrative campaigns used phrases that mentioned gifts in exchange for donating, and maintained an upbeat and positive outlook. Those descriptions that exuded confidence and alluded to success did better than those that used uncertain terms, such as “we hope” or “may never get the chance”.

What does this mean for you university? With a few simple tweaks, your fundraising campaigns can become more captivating and effective. When creating campaigns, give donors something in return, and let them know that they’ll get something in return. These gifts don’t have to cost much, for many a simple thank you, or small tchotchke is enough. For large campaigns you can set giving levels, and reward participation based on the amount of the donation. Make sure you are very clear what the reward will be.

When crafting the descriptions for your campaigns, use words that convey your confidence in the project’s success. Use words like “continued support” to allude that the effects of the program will last for years to come.  Avoid words like, “hope” that indicate you are unsure whether the campaign will be successful. Also shy away from negative words like “not be able to”. Tap into readers’ positive emotions while they learn about your fundraiser.

Take a look at your university’s campaigns today. Spend just ten minutes changing the wording, and see how your fundraising is affected. Or, take it one step further and schedule a demo of 360Alumni, the turnkey online community with built-in crowdsourced fundraising.

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