Privacy & Notifications

360Alumni administrators have the ability to establish the user profile data privacy & activity notification setting defaults.  Within the "Admin > Settings" page, navigate to the "Privacy & Notifications" tab.  

Profile Privacy.  Administrators can set the important user profile fields to be public or private.  If public, any user can see this information when viewing the user's profile page.  If private, their information will only be viewed by administrators.  The inactive column represents privacy defaults for all inactive users.  The active column represents the default settings once a user activates their profile. Changing active default privacy settings will not overwrite current active user settings.


Notifications Settings.  Administrators can set which community activity will result in a notification email to users.  Toggle to 'block' to ensure users do not receive email communications based on that 'action'.  Toggle to 'send' and users will receive email notifications based on that action occurring within the community.  The active column represents the default notification settings for users upon activating their account. Adjusting these settings will not overwrite current active user notification settings.


All users can adjust their own privacy and notification settings once they activate their account.

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