An Introduction to Your Online Community Space

The 360Alumni platform is both the home to your virtual community and a tool to support your broader community building. As you think about setting up the platform, the best way to begin is by identifying the strategic priorities for the institution that will be supported by the platform such as:

  • Stronger student-alumni interaction
  • A more connected and better-informed community
  • Greater member engagement through event participation. 

Then consider the specific components and functionality tailored to achieve your goals such as higher event attendance, easier connection among members, and fostering chapters. 

Additional areas to prioritize are:

  • Supporting your affinity groups, chapters, and clubs,
  • Planning a balanced event calendar to support the breadth and depth of the community,
  • Fostering career development opportunities,
  • Increasing participation and support with your fundraising projects and campaigns,
  • Developing metrics of success for each area and priority, and
  • Robust communications to sustain the efforts and provide an on-going connection to the institution. 

The goals and priorities you develop at the beginning drive the community set-up as well as the ongoing effort of engaging your community.

Proceed to Making a Plan For Your Community and Engaging Stakeholders Across Your Institution for more guidance on how to develop a plan for success in your online community space. 

360Alumni Blueprint for Success Overview | Next Article: Making a Plan for Your Alumni Community

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