How to Import User Data into Your Community Space

Now that you've set up the Profile data fields to reflect the goals of your organizational plan, you can now import member records into the platform if you have an existing list.

We provide a data template and explicit instructions on how to format your data for a bulk upload here.

While completing your community’s first upload you will work closely with our team to review your records and review the process for bulk uploads. Please review the instructions linked above and at a minimum, export the records you plan to upload and send them over to your client success manager for them to review. Our team will work alongside you to input the records into the correct template and will train you on how to clean the data for import. 

You can use the same process to add members at any time such as after graduation each term.

At this point, your platform should up and running with a strategic plan in place and all members of your team trained and ready to harness the capabilities of the site. As we move into the final stages of Onboarding you will be relying more on the Blueprint for Success Phase 2 to prepare the content in the platform and communications for launch.

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