Setting Up Your Community

With your Plan and Roadmap in place you are now you are ready to make some decisions regarding the setup of your platform. Before your Onboarding Kickoff Meeting with our client success team you will be required to submit the New Client Form 1: Set Up Questions along with the other documents outlined in the Pre Onboarding Action Items article.

What to consider as you’re completing the New Client Form and answering key configuration questions:

1. Administrators

The Primary Administrator for the community needs to be determined prior to set-up though we can change the assignment for you at any time. Note that you can have as many Administrators (not primary) as you would like and you can manage that directly.

Check out this KB article at for more information.

2. Footer

Initially, 360Alumni will prepare the footer for you though you can change the information at any time. You need to provide the preferred address and email. We recommend including the primary organization URL, phone number and social media links (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn) as well. Links are added in the General Settings.

Screenshot of footer info displayed in community site
Screenshot of footer info displayed in community site

Here’s our KB articles that offer more information on footer links:

3. The URL for Your Community

For the URL, you have a few choices on where your community will be hosted.

  • 360Alumni can host your community site within our 360Alumni domain. This is the easiest and most popular hosting option. You choose a short name or acronym to use with the format:
  • You can register and purchase your own custom domain.*
  • You can assign a sub-domain within your main institutional website such as:*

Check out the KB article at for more information regarding sub domains.

* An additional $400 annual fee is incurred to cover the maintenance and implementation of SSL certificates.

4. Open or Closed Community

This decision determines if a new member, not already in the data, needs approval to join or not. 

A closed community means that only those individuals that you designate to be part of the community, can activate the account to be a participant without further approval. If your membership is limited to a group such as alumni, you can pre-populate your community and those people will not need additional approval. Additional members can ask to join, but must be approved by an administrator before joining the platform.

An open community allows anyone to create an account and have immediate access to the community. You can pre-populate an open community as well.

If you have data on most of your constituents, we recommend a closed community as the approval process is easy and helps maintain control.

Action Item(s)

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